Sunday, April 29, 2012

Student work on niche marketing

In response to the prompt, who is the product you want to produce and market designed for, who are your competitors for this product and why do you want to compete with them in offering it to the public; how will you market this product, and how is your product different than other products like it, Ibrahim Mohammed, Khalifa Mohammed, Hamad Khalid and Hamad Jasem of 10-08 using unit vocabulary that is highlighted in red wrote

         Mr. Manager

Mr. Manager is a unique program that is used to organize daily schedules and assignments.  It is different from other software in many different ways. First, it is multi-platform, which you can use in windows, mac, and smart phones. Second, it can be used easily and has an organized GUI. Third, it is new idea in the programming world. In conclusion, these facilities will make this program unique and that will attract a lot of consumers when it will be advertised.

All university students who want to organize their work by software and have a hard time with their unorganized work are our target market. Our company product will attract students because it will help them to manage their time easily. It will be sold in two ways, for students individually and for the universities. In future, if more people demanded the software, we will sell it for high school students and middle school administrators.

Students in universities have some difficulties and/or not enough time to organize or mange their work in a proper way. Also some students have some difficulties in using other professional managers, which are hard for them to use or they don’t have the time to learn how to use it, so our company has designed new software for our consumers, which are students that can help them to organize and manage their work in and better, organized way.

The company’s product will be marketed in many different ways. First, it will be on billboards on the highways and advertisement posters and hangers in supermarkets. Second, it will be advertised on major business and educational websites and in the universities’ campuses and we will sponsor shows to introduce and convince television audience to buy the product. There will be a free trial to persuade universities to try for 30 days and the product will be available at major computer shops.

All competitors in business want to attract consumers, so we checked the feature of our competitors’ product and tried to make our product more efficient with more recommended tools than our company competitor that will make us win. JobPro central company and individual software company are some of our competitors, which we tried and we are still trying to attract their customers by surprising the customers with our best product features that are really unique.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Students sound-off

There's been a lot in the news here and here  about how students treat one another at school and the consequences of their bullying.   This is what one of our students had to say on his English blog.

Bullying is a prevalent form of child abuse. Many students are suffering from bullying in their schools and this thing is common in all schools in the world. Also bullying can cause death like what happened in Oikos University in Oakland, California. Some people in this university were teasing a Korean man called One L. Goh over his poor English skills. Because of this bad behavior with this man, he forced some people to line up in a classroom in the university, but some of them didn’t , so he started shooting them with his hand gun and killed seven people last week on Monday (April 2, 2012). Someone commented that this Korean man doesn’t need to be remorseful because the bullied person may keep feeling bad forever, which is right in my opinion; however, I don’t think teasing or bullying should lead to death. Also this person commented that if a person teased another person, over time the person who teased would not feel remorse and I agree with him on this. The lesson that I learned is that bullying and teasing are very bad behaviors that can lead to serious risks and we have to respect everybody.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Niche Marketing

What is niche marketing?  Our text book describes a niche market as part of the population that buys a particular product or service.  Another definition is a very specific, specialized and profitable corner of the market.

Your task is to define a product and say how you want it to meet a certain niche or group of people in society.  In writing your essay, follow the guidelines sent to you in schoology.  You have to use the following unit vocabulary words and highlight them with red font in your composition

advertise attract  customers  niche market  target market  unique  consume  consumption, consumer, case study, compete, competitor, persuade, convince

Each group member will have to write in the first draft a 75 word description of one of the 4 topics about niche markets detailed in your schoology assignments.  Further instructions will be given to you here via the G10 English blog.  See you in class!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I went with ATHS students to NASA SPACE SCHOOL in Houston Texas My name is Rashid Ali a 10th grade student. The trip was 7 days long. We were 34 students and 2 supervisors.

Our trainers in NASA were Miss Rachel and Mr. Dived. We were from all ATHS campuses. We learned a lot of amazing things like diving in the place that astronauts trained. We built the robotic rovers that they used on Mars like Spirit and Opportunity the rovers launched several years ago to Mars.

NASA is working hard to discover a sign of life on Mars. Secondly we built rockets and landers to launch the rovers to mars and land them safely. We were 10 teams divided into Group A & B; the names of the groups were gold, sliver, red, blue and white. Our trip was amazing. I recommend every student have a chance to visit NASA Space School in Houston Texas. That was a great chance we had and I wish that we could have other chances. America is a nice country and American people were friendly. Those were the best days of my life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

10.3, 10.6, 10.9


I know some of you couldn't come to school today due to yesterday's fatigue.I appreciate all those who made up coming today. Hence the work at school doesn't stop as we have calculated days left now to our 3rd Semester. On Sunday we are going to start Reading from Unit-7 that’s why it is important to finish the pre-reading vocabulary. The worksheet is attached and the task is explained. The boys who are in the class are uploading it as soon as they will finish but for those who are absent are required to complete it and submit on before Saturday,14th April 2012, 8:00 pm. See you all in full swing on Sunday in the class.