Sorry for the delay gentlemen, but here is the study guide I hope you get the chance to look over during the weekend in preparation for the English exam on Sunday. We've talked in class about what you can expect on the exam....there will be a listening component, a reading, language (probably including grammar and vocabulary) and writing part to the exam and it will last for a total of one hour. You will need to remain in class for the entire time, until 2:30 and of course you cannot talk to anyone during the entire time you are in the examination room.
We also watched the power point presentation in class that showed how the bubble sheet is to be filled out and what information you will be asked to provide. Finally, we saw the schedule during the exam period and how the periods will be shortened to be only 35 minutes, with a first break of 15 minutes and the 2nd break of 20 minutes. I will include a copy of the exam schedule below.
All that's left is the study packet which is some of the classroom worksheets we did during Learning Cycle 1. You should recognize them all. I am putting them here so that you can look over them during the weekend, and if you have any questions about any of the exercises, please ask when you come to class on Sunday. Let me remind you that none of the teachers know what will be on any of your tests and the information below is for revision only. Do Not expect that what you see on the pages of the study guide is what you will find on the test because it is not.
Lastly, the advice I gave you for the midterm exam is the same I'll give now. Get plenty of rest during the weekend; read the texts in our class books and try to understand the vocabulary and use it in the writing exercises included in the study guide and from the moment you walk into the examination room be alert, attentive, and listen to the instructions of the person giving you the test. God willing you will do well. See you in class.
Study Guide
Exam Schedule
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