Here it is! You've all been waiting for it. The ten words below are more words that are from our unit 2 as well as some additional words we've come to know about through our dialogues in class. You are expected to know the meaning of these words and how we use them in everyday written and spoken English. We will begin with the meaning; I do not require that you present me with the written definitions but I do expect you to have a general understanding of these words and when necessary use them during our conversations in class. Write them down in notebooks however in order to refer to them in the future
wildlife culture producer community spouse
partner silhouette skyline reflection skyscraper
Later next week we will have our usual vocabulary 10 word, multiple choice quiz, featuring 8 words from the group of words above and two words from our previous vocabulary lists. We will have plenty of time to practice before then however, since our quiz will be next Thursday. Until then, read, read, read and practice speaking as much as you can in English.
Gentlemen, the two sections have different homework which I hope I can explain and make easy for you to follow.
Section G10-09 has to write a paragraph using the information found in the chart on page 16 of the student book. You only need to write on one of the two subjects in that table, either "Nicole" or "Jeff and Wendy" but not both! There are six bits of information that you should be able to turn in to six separate sentences, so six is the minimum number of sentences you should write.
Section G10-04 has to complete the worksheet on distinguishing when to use the present simple or present continuous. We will go over that worksheet in class. This was a review of the material we did earlier today in class. This will be graded and recorded but given to you to use as study material later.
Your first English Project is about "Jobs". We are going to have two periods every week in the Computer lab.Your first lab session this week will be in G215 and E21 as shown in your schedule. Don't forget to bring your own file and the USB as explained in the class.
As many of you already know, being a student at IAT means project work. In terms of your English Classes, this means Career Education. LC1's project is a research based task. Your teachers will work on the project with you during class time throughout the cycle. Please click here take a look at what kind of options your have for your project.
IAT Dubai welcomes Ms. Neriman Ozsaracoglu to the English Faculty. Ms. Neriman's hometown is Antayla, Turkey, but she spent the last 7 years living in The United States and working in Hartford, Connecticut. Ms. Neriman is very happy to be in Dubai and describes herself as passionate about teaching.
Grade 10 students will receive their laptops after the end of LC1. Until then, beginning this week, each G10 section will be assigned computer lab periods. Be patient, your laptop will be with your before you know it!
We will have our weekly quiz using the same format as last week;multiple choice with ten words. Some of the ten will be from last week's vocabulary list. Before the quiz we will go over the new words using them in everyday conversational English so make sure you've studied the meaning of the words.
Sections 10.04 & 10.09 please add the following ten words to your vocabulary lists. I expect you all to be able to use them in sentences by the end of this week. We will practice using them throughout the week.
I know the word "homework" scares you or at least makes you think the end of the world is coming but this assignment is really not that bad. Gentlemen, both sections are requested to do the exercises 1 through 3 on page 5 of your workbook. That's the bluish green colored book that you received today. We will go over those exercises in class. Please make sure you are comfortable with them because on Wednesday you will have to write using those verb tenses. Save your questions for class and make sure to ask plenty of them when the time comes. The worst question is the one that's never asked. See you in class!
To the new students of G10-04 and G10-09, I would like to welcome you to IAT. The teachers and staff are here to help you reach your fullest educational potential which will lead to your success in your later life. You were chosen because the administrators here think you can succeed given the right encouragement and support from all of us.
Now that we have finished our first day of classwork, I want to remind you all of the importance of coming to class prepared with all of your school supplies, including pencils,notebooks and dictionaries. The last item, dictionaries, is of utmost importance for your English classes, especially with the assignments we have to work on this week.
Here are the vocabulary words we are required to know for unit 1:
We want to be able to tell whether the above words are nouns, verbs, or adjectives and figure out what are some of the derivatives of these words. For example, communicate is a verb and its noun counterpart a word that is very common in English language vocabulary is communication. We will practice using these words in context as well during class.
Again, welcome to IAT. It will be a challenging year and we will have plenty of work to keep us busy. I'm sure you all will do well.