Monday, December 5, 2011

Cause and Effect Expressions


Making a Connection:- When you read that one action or event is the result of another action or event, you are reading about a cause-and- effect relationship. A cause makes something happen; an effect is what happens as a result of that cause. The link between cause and effect can sometimes be very obvious; at other times you may be required to make an educated guess about the connection.
When writers want to make cause-and-effect relationships very obvious for the reader, they do so with clue words that signal the cause-and- effect relationship.
A few more words and phrases that can signal cause-and-effect relationships are
accordingly, affect, as a result, because, cause, consequently,effect, for,
the reason why, results in, since, therefore why.......

Copy paste the link below, read carefully,complete the exercises and upload on Edmodo.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Endangered ecosystems-Coral Reefs

How many of you enjoy diving?

What give you a pleasant experience while diving?

What are things that you see under water?


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water Purification within an ecosystem

Today we introduced new vocabulary while discussing and viewing a short film that deals with water purification.  Words like evaporation, condensation, precipitation, filtration, purification and desalination are processes, some man made or natural that are shown in the film above.  It is not only important to know the meaning of these words, but we must know how to use them correctly when speaking or writing in English.

G10-02 and G10-08, your assignment for Thursday is to write a paragraph describing the natural processes that are taking place in the film above, using the vocabulary we went over in class.  Do you remember disperse and spontaneous from the flash mob article we read in The National newspaper?  How can you use those words to describe the video?  The paragraph you write must have a minimum of 120 words and be turned in at the end of the 2nd period for G10-02 and 4th period for G10-08.  Any questions you have we will go over in class.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The importance of green

There was an exhibition held in Dubai earlier this week which highlighted sustainable energy or green energy.  The UAE is committed to embrace this concept in order to preserve the local and world environment.  How important is sustainable energy to UAE culture and what role do Emirati companies play in promoting the concept of a green environment?  The article, Consumers Switched to Green Power, might give you some answers to these questions.  You can read that article here.

When you finish you must write a summary of the article, but first you must write an outline and mention the following points.  

 I. Topic
II. Topic Sentence
III. Supporting Detail
a) #1
b) #2
IV. Concluding Sentence

When you have completed the outline in the above form, then you must write a seven sentence paragraph summarizing the article.  Do not copy, paste sentences or expressions from the article. After you have finished, turn in both the outline and the paragraph via the tab for this assignment.  This is individual work for G10-02 and is due by the end of the school day.

Eid mubarak to all, and especially to those who have family members that are making the pilgrimage to Mecca this year.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Listening - The London Tube

Good morning! Today we are going to listen to people talk about the London Tube - the oldest subway system in the world. DOWNLOAD THE ACTIVITY.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

effects of deforestation


Click on the link below and read:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What a difference Emirati students can make

Today we read about two students from Zayed University who have developed a smartphone application that has caught the attention of technophiles the world over.  Your homework assignment is to write a summary of the article that appeared in The National newspaper here using all the elements of a well planned paragraph, including a topic sentence, supporting detail and a concluding or closing sentence.  This homework assignment is to be turned in by 9pm Wednesday night and is to replace the normal nightly news summary.  If you have any questions ask them via schoology or in class.  See you there!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Greetings gentlemen,

This week we are heading towards a more scientific direction with our lesson. You will have a taste of both Science and English.
Ecology is our theme, and The Web of Life is the title of the 2nd unit.

For you to gain more insight ABOUT THE TOPIC, YOU HAVE TO DO MORE READINGS.
I have attached a link for your reference. Go to the link below and read about rain forests, deserts, wetlands, marine and fresh water ecosystems.

A discussion will follow after your readings. Make notes of important information on a word document and new words you have encountered.

Enjoy exploring about the new topic.

G10-05 This is for YOU!

At home tonight, click on this website  and attempt to log on using your ATHS email address and the password you chose.  We spent some time before establishing your accounts at the website above, but now we are going to start using it in class, starting Tuesday.

If you can log in, send me an email at with the subject line, 'I can log in' and DO NOT write anything in the body of the letter.  If you cannot log on, then please write in the subject line, 'I cannot log in' and then send.  Tomorrow, Tuesday we will begin our first class exercises from this site but before we do we must make sure everyone can start together.  If you have any questions, ask them from your schoology accounts, otherwise see you in class tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Brain Dump Time

G10-05 & G10-08 put your heads together and think  about all those vocabulary words you DO NOT understand from your math, science, health classes and be able to come up with 10 words that we will explore during your English class on Tuesday.  G10-02 your brain dump session, where we talk about, define and even see illustrations of unknown words will be on Wednesday.  We will have this brain dump session on a weekly basis, and students will be graded on how well they participate, or come up with words that are used in their other subjects for us to discuss and get to know better.  Even if it's a word you've already had and you've gone past that lesson, but you're not sure of, please bring it to class so we can dissect it to understand it better.  If you have any questions please ask them in class.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10.3, 10.6, 10.9


Hope you all had a sound and peaceful weekend. This is a reminder to all of you to complete activity 2 of your project presentation or video about "Greetings across cultures". Remember to be creative and innovative. You will be given 2 or 3 minutes to present your project to the class according to the schedule decided in the class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Listening - Cheap Food

Good morning students! Today I want you to listen to a talk about cheap food, and why, in a downward economy, it becomes more popular. Please DOWNLOAD THE FILE and get started!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Section G10-05 & G10-08 This is for you!

The schedule we have is such that G10-05 & G10-08 won't meet on the same day until next Monday, so that is when we will have our supplemental vocabulary quiz.  Most likely, we will have built up more vocabulary words to add to our list of seven words through the reading we do in class so don't be surprised when the number of words increases but we won't have more than ten words. 

To sum up everything, we will have our vocab quiz on Monday.  You still have the daily writing summaries you must do, and there is a recorded reading assignment that's due on Thursday, but that's it for this week.  You can all breathe a sigh of relief for now.  If there are any questions, contact me through your schoology accounts.  See you in class!

Monday, October 17, 2011

News Article Summaries Due Daily Starting Today!

Write your news right here!

As discussed in class, tonight we begin writing our daily news summaries and turning them in via the schoology accounts.  Earlier I said the summary must be seven sentences, but now I've changed that to a minimum of 5 sentences per summary.  There are three main English language papers here in the UAE;, and  Perhaps you know of some other sources and you may use them to provide your summary.  The only requirement is it must be a local news source, the summary you write must be at least 5 sentences long in paragraph form, AND you must paste the url of the article you read at the end of your summary.  It's just that easy.  I look forward to reading the kinds of things you guys like to read.  If you have any questions, please ask them in class.  See you there!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Listening - Workaholism

Good morning grade 10! For today's listening activity, I want you to listen to a talk about "Workaholism". While you listen to the audio, you can read the script (.pdf) and after that is done, open the .doc file and answer the question!

I may be sick, but you still have work to do

Guys, I hope you all had a relaxing weekend.  Unfortunately I've caught the cold bug that was written about here and am unable to attend today.  God willing I'll be back on Monday.  In the meantime, G10-05 in the 1st period, read the story linked above (simply click on the word "here" in the 2nd sentence above) and summarize the main points AND write what it is you do to make yourself feel better when you get a cold.  G10-02, you too must read and summarize the same article but do this during the 6th period. For the 5th period, G10-02 will have to take the subject-verb agreement quiz and finish it BEFORE noon; otherwise it will automatically log you out and your test will be marked even if you didn't finish and that grade will be permanent. Those of you who don't have your laptop, pair up with a student to read and summarize the article.  I will have to give you another and different quiz for laptop-less students in G10-02 when I return, God willing.  I have placed an assignment tab in your schoology accounts for you to return the classwork assignment.  You must write at least 120 words.  If you have any questions, ask them via your schoology accounts.  I'm at home and between drinking hot beverages for my throat and blowing my nose, I'll be at my laptop.  See you in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The daily assignment you must do for 10-02, 10-05 and 10-08 is read from one of the local English papers one article each day and be able to give a 2-5 minute summary in class of that article when called upon to do so by your instructor.  Too many of our students do not use the language after they leave school.  They create a 16 hour void in their day where they don't use the language.  In order to master the language one must expose one self to English outside of the classroom environment and in order to accomplish that I am making it mandatory that you read 1 article every day.  Starting next week, each of you will have to write a seven sentence summary daily about the article you read, so dust off your laptops and get ready to write.  If you have any questions, ask them in class.  See you there!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Engineer's Thumb

The Sherlock Holmes story, The Engineer's Thumb is quite interesting and suspenseful.  The 19 questions you have to answer about this story will be due on Wednesday.  Because we did not check out the book from the library I will upload an e-copy of the book into your schoology accounts and ask that you post the story's worksheet  by 3pm Wednesday.  If you have any questions please ask them in class.  See you there!

Your laptops

Too many students are coming to class without their laptops, or without a sufficient charge on them to complete their classwork or with problems that won't allow them to log on and receive and send work. 

The laptops given to you by ATHS and your government are tools to help you in your life as students, not toys to play with that you also use for your classes.  The primary purpose is for you to use them to study.  If they are not in working condition then it is your responsibility to get them repaired as soon as possible.

This is what a major university in the US says, in their laptop policy, students are supposed to do
Maintain your laptop in proper working orderIf you are experiencing problems with your machine, it is your responsibility to go to Information Technology Systems and Services for help. It is also your responsibility to obtain a loaner laptop from the LSBE Technology Program while your laptop is being repaired.
 ATHS' policy says the laptops you were given are for study purposes only. In other words you should use them only for doing school work at home AND at school.  If they can't be used for the purposes of doing school work, then why do you have them?  ATHS is committed to providing its students with an e-learning environment which means you can know about, and do your school work whether you are in class or at home.  Whether  you have attended classes or were absent you can always be in touch with your class. Gentlemen make sure your laptops are charged, able to access the 'net and send and receive files for your class work.  This is essential for the mission of ATHS.  If you need to charge your laptops you can do so in my room during the 1st AND 2nd break of each day.  No charging of laptops during class is allowed, for safety reasons.  If you have any questions please ask.  See you in class!


Good morning gentlemen of 10-01, 10-04 & 10-07

This is a quick guide of our objectives for this week.
1- recognize parts of a paragraph
2- identify T.S and controlling ideas in paragraphs.
3- identify relevant and irrelevant supporting sentences.
4- write effective topic sentences about various topics.

In addition to the above mentioned objectives, I would like to remind you that your English mid-term quiz is due this week. Therefore preparation and revision is a main priority. Take time at home to review your vocabulary list and meanings of words,
review the reading in the book and all related question types (multiple choice and matching headings to paragraphs). Practice skimming and scanning different texts( newspaper articles, magazines).

Finally, come prepared to the exam. You have to remember to manage your time effectively. This surely means using all the reading strategies and techniques that you have acquired and practiced in the past 4 weeks...

Good luck. I sincerely wish that all of you ace this exam..Remember, we are here to make a difference.You CAN DO IT...


Your teacher,
Jinan Basma

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting the Main Idea

Hey 10-01! Mrs. Jinan's not here today, so let's get started with this writing activity!

Listening - Hills and Mountains

Good morning gentlemen! Today we will be listening to a talk about the difference between a hill and a mountain. Please DOWNLOAD THE ACTIVITY and get started!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sections G10-02, 10-05 & 10-08 this is for you!

G10-02,05 & 08 please check the announcements on your schoology accounts about an upcoming event for Tuesday and Wednesday.  As we've talked about before in class, you are responsible for checking here on the blog and on your personal accounts EVERYDAY for information about class/homework, and that any work due for the next school day will be posted here by 4pm the day before.  Well, let's see how well you remember those instructions. 

On Tuesday, G10-05 and G10-08 please make sure your laptops are in good working condition, because we will begin establishing your accounts for the Academic Connections course.  The only web browser you can use is your Safari web browser so tune it up if need be, that is set it on the correct proxy settings, and have your laptops fully charged.  This establishing an account will be the first thing we do in class, God willing.  See you there!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homework Reminder for sections 02,05 and 08

Homework has been posted in your schoology accounts, and it's due on Tuesday morning.   Please be mindful to do and turn in your assignments on time! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Folks, we've got two books missing from the Sherlock Holmes short story collection we checked out last Sunday and they must be returned in order for your fellow students to use them.  So, whoever has not returned the book to me or the librarian, Ms. Smallpeice, please do so immediately.  Going to the library will be a regular part of our routine in G10, but we must act responsibly in order to have the privilege of using the library.   Please bring in the two books to school on Sunday.  See you in class.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Self-fulfilling Prophecy- The influence of your expectations


Today we had a good discussion about "primacy effect" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". "Primacy effect" is the idea that the first impression is very difficult to change, while the later means that people act how others expect them to act. Some of you supported the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy while others disagreed. I noticed some of you were afraid that it might change your personality, others believed it is very effective for better progress of a students. Research shows that students do better in school when teachers expect them to be good students.
Do you think it is important for teachers, parents and administrators to understand the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy?
Write down your viewpoint in 50-70 words and upload on edmodo.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework for G10-2, G10-05 and G10-08

We read an interesting article from the April 20,2005 issue of Psychology Today on First Impression and talked about the main ideas of the article.  Now, students in G10-08 must summarize that article and turn it in to as a homework assignment.  It is due on Wednesday morning by 7:30.  I sent the link for you along with assignment requirements to your schoology accounts. 

I will upload the second recorded reading for this week for all three sections that will be due on Thursday by 7:30am.  As before, record the entire text then answer the questions at the bottom of the text.

Finally, we will do several exercises in class, G10-05 and G10-02, on finding the main idea.  These exercises will be done on your laptops and counted as classroom participation, so be sure to bring your laptops fully charged and in working order.  G10-05, you will have your vocabulary quiz on Wednesday during the 2nd period.  Oh, by the way, G10-02 remember to bring your Sherlock Holmes books to class to be returned to the library.  You will not receive a grade for the homework without turning in your books.  Bring them to me at the start of class.  If there are any questions, post them in your schoology account.  God willing, see you in class!

Monday, September 26, 2011

G10--05 and G10-08-Reminder

This is just a reminder that you will have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday on the words found in the blog post on Emirati Explorers below. Also, I was not able to upload the worksheet I wanted you to do for homework by the agreed cut off time of 4pm, so I will upload it and give it to you for homework that is due on Wednesday instead. However, both classes still have the recorded reading and questions due Tuesday.

Summing up, vocabulary quiz on Tuesday and recorded reading on Skateboarding due on Tuesday by 7:30am. All other work will be uploaded at a later time, God willing. If you have any questions, drop them at schoology or in class. See you then!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome to G10-05 and G10-08

Since today is the first day of the new change, I want to welcome sections 10-05 and 10-08 to my class. It will be a tough, challenging but enjoyable school for all of us, God willing. This is your first reading assignment with accompanying comprehension questions at the link below labelled "Skateboarding". You must record this, do the questions and return it to me via your schoology account by Tuesday. Once you click on the link you will be taken to another page where you will have to download the file from the tab at the top of the page. I will go over this with you in class. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me then in class. Once again, welcome aboard.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Protecting the Planet - The Oceans

TEDTalks - Protecting the Planet - Sylvia Earle Published via

Did you know that the ocean has one of the most fragile ecosystems on the planet? For your homework this weekend, I want you to watch this video, then open Quicktime Player and record yourself discussing your thoughts on the video. Speak for at least 1 minute!

If the video takes too long to load, then DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO and watch!

Reading - The Mayans

Time for some reading. Can you get the gist? What about some of those big words - what do they mean? PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS FILE, and learn a little bit about the ancient Mayans.

Academic Connections 1.1 - Making Judgements

Sometimes when we meet people, we make a judgement about who they are as a person. We may not know them, or anything about them, yet still we form and opinion of them in our minds. Today we will work on Section 1.1 of our Academic Connections workbook. Please DOWNLOAD THIS SHEET, and get to work!

Listening - Making Your Own Money

Would you want to make your own money? Some people in Australia did. DOWNLOAD TODAY'S LISTENING ACTIVITY, and see what you think!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Explorer vocabulary

We've read about four very brave, courageous Emirati explorers who have gone to the ends of the Earth to find out how they can make an impact on preserving the environment. During that process we've encountered vocabulary that has been used by all four of them or used to describe what they did. These are our vocabulary words for this week that you should understand by Sunday. We will have a quiz on them on that day.




















Listening - Asteroid Mission

Hello 10-12! Here is a listening activity for today. Please DOWNLOAD THE FILE, listen to the audio, and do the activity sheet titled "Questions." In this sheet, you will have to write an opinion essay of at least 200 words.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Emirati Explorers

We have read about three Emirati explorers and watched the lecture of one of them as well. These three have done something very few people in the world have done and all for the purpose of environmental conservation. We have also written summaries on the newspaper articles we read about each of them and learned new vocabulary words in the process like expedition, emission, environment, renewable energy and many others.

We will now add the story of our last Emirati explorer which you can find at this link. Please write the same summary for her that you've written for the other three, following the questions that are posted on the board in G210. All of these summaries must be turned in by 3pm Thursday, September 22. If you have any questions please ask them in class. See you there!

Personality adjectives

If you were asked to describe yourself in 3 words, which personality adjectives would you use?

Our lesson today covered personality adjectives. It is very important for you to know your personality traits well for you to make a good first impression.Which traits are positive and which are negative?

Character traits are your gateway to the 21st century skills.Building a unique character in students is one of ATHS's greatest missions.

We as educators agree that assisting students in building moral character is a worthwhile and long life goal. Some of the virtues stressed in most schools today include:compassion, courtesy, cooperation, responsibility, fairness, tolerance, self-control, courage, knowledge, citizenship, perseverance, helpfulness, honesty,and respectfulness (toward self, others, authority, property and the environment) . Most of these traits are listed in ATHS expectations.

So let us think of all the positive personality qualities that will help make us better, stronger and smarter..

Reading - How to Study for a Test

The school year has started and exams seem far, far away! But did you know that now, right now, is the best time to start studying for your tests and exams? There are two things for you here - first is an ACTIVITY TO DOWNLOAD. The second is a video, below.

First, watch the video, and read along with the narrator. After that, open the activity and read the article again, this time without the help of the narrator. Following that is a small vocabulary exercise to help you remember some of the new and/or big words in the article.

Reading Practice - How to Study for a Test Published via

Listening - Almost Famous

Hey, 10-09! With September well under way, a year's worth of talent competitions will be starting on television. What is it with these shows? Why do people watch them? Why do people want to be on them? In this listening activity, you will hear a discussion about these talent shows. DOWNLOAD THE FILE, listen, and complete the "Questions"!

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Impressions

Good afternoon Gentlemen,

The group discussion in the class about "First impressions and attractions" was interesting indeed. I read your lovely impressions about different people on the campus. While first impressions are very important, they should not be relied solely upon to form an absolute judgement as often first impressions can be misleading. Sometimes people can be very different from the way they appear. So remember, never judge a book by its cover.
I have uploaded your c.w assignment about the vocabulary words from the text on due today. Those of you who are unable to complete in class must submit by 8:00 pm.

Have a good day!

Reading Practice - The Perils of Pearl Divers

Good morning grade 10! Today we are going to be doing a little reading practice.  IN THE FILE HERE, you will find the original article, and a writing activity. But before you open that, watch the video below, where you can listen to & read the article at the same time.
Reading Practice - The Perils of Pearl Diving Published via

If you are haveing trouble playing the video, download the movie.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Listening - Cricket

Hey grade 10s! Time for a little listening today. Please download this file, listen to the audio, and answer the question sheet. Be sure to give the question sheet to the teacher when you are done!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two Fun Tasks for Learning English and Technology

Good afternoon 10-12! I know the weekend is coming fast, and you are all excited to get on with sleeping in and relaxing, but before that, we need to do two things. First - I have a reading for you to do, taken from a newspaper article. There are questions and an activity you must complete. Second, I have a short story for you to read, and your task will be to animate this story using the program "Keynote." Don't worry, I will help you as much as you require, but in this activity you will be using all your English skills - reading, writing, speaking, and listening!

So let's begin by downloading this file!

To G10 sections 02, 06 & 10

There will be a quiz on our unit 1, First Impressions vocabulary on Sunday. The words were posted here on Monday. I will also ask you to summarize the paragraph below which was taken from the article The First Impression found in Psychology Today magazine at this link
By the time we flash that return grin, our Polaroid shutter will have already closed. Just three seconds are sufficient to make a conclusion about fresh acquaintances. Nalini Ambady, professor of psychology at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, studies first impressions carved from brief exposure to another person's behavior, what she calls "thin slices" of experience. She says humans have developed the ability to quickly decide whether a new person will hurt or enrich us—judgments that had lifesaving ramifications in an earlier era.

You will be asked to summarize the paragraph in no more than two sentences. If you have any questions please post them in the comments section of the blog here, or ask them in class. God willing see you there.

Welcome on board

A very warm welcome to Grade 10-01, 10-05 and 10-09.I hope that you will take the chance this year to make further progress in your English language and develop more learning skills.

I would like you to keep in mind at ALL times the rules and regulation of my class and ATHS in general.

I just want to remind you to join your EDMODO groups and books mark the GRADE 10 BLOG.

Have a nice and safe weekend,
Your teacher,
Jinan Basma

World History in a Museum

Hey 10-12!

Ever wonder about the past? Well, in this listening activity today, we listen to a report about the British Museum, and how they explore the history of the world through the objects they find.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vocabulary words

There are 10 vocabulary words that you have to define and turn in by Tuesday. They are:


I hope you bookmarked the Psychology Today article on First Impressions. We will read more of it on Tuesday and throughout the week, in class. See you there!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to the students of G10-02,10-06 & 10-10

A warm welcome to the new students of sections G10-02, G10-06 and G10-10. I hope you had a pleasant summer vacation and are ready for work this academic year. The year 2011-2012 will have a lot of challenges for us and we must work very hard to stay on top of these challenges.

First however we need to organize the class to enhance the 1-1 e-learning model that we have here at ATHS, and I have to know the career interests of you the student and what cluster you would like to study in pursuit of that career. Please take your time to answer the following questions in narrative form, carefully and in complete sentences. If you have your laptops, save your paragraph as a file in the following way:


When you come to class, put that document in my dropbox. If you don't have a laptop, use either a black or blue pen on lined paper to answer these questions.

1- Why did you choose ATHS to study?
2- What cluster would you like to study and why?
3- What kind of job do you want to work in and why?
4- Do you have any relatives who work in the career you chose and if so who are they?
5- How do you think your chosen profession can help the UAE?
6- How often do you speak English outside the classrooms of ATHS?
7- Do you read books in English and if so what kinds and how often?
8- What for you is the best way to learn English?

Your submission must be a minimum of 10 sentences. If you have any questions, please ask me in class. See you there!

Welcome Back!

Mr James Room - G10 - September 11 2011 Published via

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Gentlemen, I'm sure you're all preparing for the remaining exams. I'm sure you 've done well in the exams that you've finished. As you prepare for the speaking exam scheduled for the 23rd of this month, please go through the hints given in the link below which will help you to prepare for the same.

All the best, gentlemen!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Please review Units 9, 11 and 13( student's book and the work book)for the forthcoming English exams.
Wishing you the very best for all the exams.
Study hard and sleep well....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Every end has a new beginning!

It is important to be well rested and eat well during exam time. Dates, beans and plenty of water. In case you block out or get sleepy, go for a brisk walk or sit somewhere in silence. Also, try to stay away from any distraction such as excessive use of chat rooms and online games, watching the news or arguing with a loved one.

Simply master the skill of staying focused which means keeping your mind set on one thing and having positive thoughts. You might be surprised at the results.

Best of luck in this exam period and many more best wishes for the semesters to come.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reviewing for exams:

Almost no one can ace a test without truly studying and understanding the material. If you really want to score good marks, you will need to have thoroughly prepared yourself for the content of the test far in advance.

In addition, there are several techniques that you can use in the few days, hours, and minutes before the exam that can help boost your performance.

Know what you're being tested on. Take all the mini assignments (worksheets, study guides, etc.) from the class your studying for and have them all at hand, if you study those you should ace your test.

Revise, summarize, review. You can either study this information, or sum it up by typing a report that includes everything that you think will be on the test.

Remember: SQ3R:
: Scan your book for the most important things (They may be in bold, italics, or something else that makes it stand out)
Question: Make practice questions and DO NOT write the answers
Read: Skim your material or read it actively
Recite: Answer your questions you have previously written down (Hint: Talk out loud!)
Review: Review this process until you have it down.

Never cram the night before or morning of the test. Contrary to common belief this doesn't help in the least. Take your time to practice and study with a good number of time. Also, make sure you use multiply examples on the subject and practice them over and over again. This is normally helpful in Math and Science.