Thursday, October 28, 2010

G10-04 & G10-09 Listen Up!

Sorry for the delay gentlemen, but here is the study guide I hope you get the chance to look over during the weekend in preparation for the English exam on Sunday. We've talked in class about what you can expect on the exam....there will be a listening component, a reading, language (probably including grammar and vocabulary) and writing part to the exam and it will last for a total of one hour. You will need to remain in class for the entire time, until 2:30 and of course you cannot talk to anyone during the entire time you are in the examination room.

We also watched the power point presentation in class that showed how the bubble sheet is to be filled out and what information you will be asked to provide. Finally, we saw the schedule during the exam period and how the periods will be shortened to be only 35 minutes, with a first break of 15 minutes and the 2nd break of 20 minutes. I will include a copy of the exam schedule below.

All that's left is the study packet which is some of the classroom worksheets we did during Learning Cycle 1. You should recognize them all. I am putting them here so that you can look over them during the weekend, and if you have any questions about any of the exercises, please ask when you come to class on Sunday. Let me remind you that none of the teachers know what will be on any of your tests and the information below is for revision only. Do Not expect that what you see on the pages of the study guide is what you will find on the test because it is not.

Lastly, the advice I gave you for the midterm exam is the same I'll give now. Get plenty of rest during the weekend; read the texts in our class books and try to understand the vocabulary and use it in the writing exercises included in the study guide and from the moment you walk into the examination room be alert, attentive, and listen to the instructions of the person giving you the test. God willing you will do well. See you in class.

Study Guide

Exam Schedule

Monday, October 25, 2010

G10-04 & G10-09 Homework!

Your homework assignment tonight is to write a paragraph using the following regular and irregular verbs below to describe a past time activity you were engaged in. This assignment is due on Tuesday.

Irregular Verbs
go see eat wake sleep buy

Regular Verbs
visit talk play pray shop return

Also, after looking at some of the written work done by many of you I want you to do this simple irregular verb exercise. The verbs are written in the present tense; you must put them in the simple past. Please click the link below.

Irregular Verb chart

God willing, see you in class!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Expand & Enrich your Vocabulary

The game Scrabble manufactured by Hasbro, in the United States is an all time favorite, played by competitors of all ages. Students from class 10.10 realised that Scrabble is a fun way of expanding and enriching their vocabulary and trying to outdo their opponents.
Mohammed Khalid's group emerged as winners for the day and he said," Scrabble not only expands our vocabulary, but it also increases our math skills". They're looking forward to a round of Speed Scrabble next week.

Yes.....there's more vocabulary G10-04 & G10-09

Welcome back for another week of speaking, reading and writing English. The basis of all language are words and what they mean and THAT means vocabulary. So here are your vocabulary words from unit 3 which you are expected to know this week. Don't forget, next Sunday is your English exam for Learning Cycle 1 and it would be a good idea to know these words just in case you see them there.

purse burglary tutor irritably scandal impatiently athlete survival
information raw thief

We will go over how to make those words that are nouns plural, the verbs that form the nouns and how they are used in sentences, but FIRST, your job is to find the meaning of these words. I will have a brief verbal pop quiz for them on Tuesday. Relax.....I'm sure you will do just fine. See you in class.

Friday, October 22, 2010

G10-8, G10-9, G10-11.

Congratulations! to all those who successfully completed and submitted their wonderful presentations on LC1 English Project about 'Jobs and Careers'. I was amazingly surprised to see your research, hardwork and confidence. The presentations were really interesting especially the feedback session about each presentation. Well done and keep going!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

G10-04 & G10-09

Is it, 'Who did you go with?' 'With who did you go?', 'With whom did you go?' Do we end it with a preposition or do we avoid ending it with a preposition by starting with a subjective pronoun or an objective pronoun.....why must English be so difficult?!?!?!?!

Believe me when I tell you I want to make it easy. I hate to hear the way students make their lives miserable trying to avoid the preposition at the end of their sentences. Here's one answer for those of you in section 10.4 & 10.9. who suffer from this problem.

Here's an example of a sentence that can end with a preposition: What did you step on? A key point, you might say the Quick and Dirty Tip, is that the sentence doesn't work if you leave off the preposition. You can't say, “What did you step?” You need to say, “What did you step on?” to make a grammatical sentence.....
You shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition when the sentence would mean the same thing if you left off the preposition. That means "Where are you at?" is wrong because "Where are you?" means the same thing. But there are many sentences where the final preposition is part of a phrasal verb or is necessary to keep from making stuffy, stilted sentences: “I'm going to throw up,” “Let's kiss and make up,” and “What are you waiting for” are just a few examples.

Likewise, 'Who are you going?' doesn't make sense to many an English listening ear and is as wrong as 'With who are you going?' but 'Who are you going with?' is acceptable English. So during our dialogues in class if the preposition at the end of your sentence is necessary to give full meaning to the sentence, leave it there! Don't try to put it somewhere else in the sentence where it truly doesn't belong or where it will be more difficult to understand what you are saying. It is ok to ask the question, 'What did you talk about?' just that way! It really is!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Irregular Verbs exercise

G10.04 & G10-09 below I am listing some very common, everyday irregular verbs that you should know how to use in the simple past tense. On Sunday, you must turn in a written paragraph using all 34 verbs to describe what you did over the weekend. Please underline the verbs in your text.

These verbs are used all day, everyday during conversations and I know you know what they mean. However, I posted the verbs in the present tense and you will have to use them in the past, which means if you don't know the past tense you must find it to use in your description of the weekend's events.

Don't forget, this assignment is due on Sunday; also, don't forget this Sunday we start a new schedule, which means you really should do your work before you come in to school Sunday morning. I hope you all have a safe and fun filled weekend. Now here are the irregular verbs below.

Commonly Used Irregular Verbs



































Tuesday, October 19, 2010

G10.04 & G10.09

Many thanks to those students who turned in the household furniture homework ON TIME. Those who didn't be careful. You lose points for turning in your assignments late, especially if you were given enough time to get it in before the deadline.

Today's assignments however, are a different story. Each class will have two pages of homework to do, with one of the pages being a common exercise. The work is marked for each section below. If you can print it from home, do so and give it to me on Wednesday. However, if you don't have access to a printer, but you have a flash drive, download your work onto the flash and give me the flash drive to upload your work into my laptop when you come to class. One of the exercises is a reading text with 10 comprehension questions and the other is an exercise on our classroom vocabulary. Both exercises together shouldn't take more than 45 minutes to complete.

I look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow.

G10.04 & G10.09 Vocab homework

G10.04 Reading Comprehension

G10.09 Reading Comprehension

Monday, October 18, 2010

G10-04 & G10-09

Just a friendly reminder folks about what is expected of you in class for the next week. Tomorrow, Tuesday, the homework assignment on "household furniture" is due for both sections. Thursday you are expected to hand in the five comprehension questions for the project. If any of you have any problems downloading those questions please see me before 3pm on Wednesday; I'll make a paper copy for you to complete and return to me.

Wednesday we will have our weekly quiz of reading comp, grammar and on this coming Sunday we will return to having our vocabulary quiz of the words in my last post here on the English "blog". That doesn't look like too much work and I hope what work you do have won't interfere too badly with your other subjects. See you in class!

How can I be a successful Language Learner....

A good Language Learner will always....

-find his own way and take charge of his learning,

-organize information

-be creative (play/experiment with grammar, words and sounds)

-make opportunities for practicing the language

-make errors work for himself and not against

-make intelligent guesses

-learn different styles of writing and speaking.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Global Warming: Is there really a scientific consensus that human action has been war planet?

Well put on your thinking caps, as this topic is up for discussion tomorrow. Gentlemen, go through the following link and gather enough points to support your reasoning.

G10.04 & 10.09- Welcome Back

Rise and shine, time for another fun filled week of English with Abdul Karim and we have a busy week ahead of us, sort of. I am including two documents at the end of this post that I want you to hand in to me sometime this week. One is a homework assignment incorporating the household furniture vocabulary words from last week. It should be easy to follow the instructions on the page, but if you have questions please see me about it. The second document is the final part of the project that I want you to complete and give to me by Wednesday of this week. Answer all five questions, but take your time doing so because I am going to grade you not only on what you say but how well you say it. In other words, grammar and punctuation as well as the answers you write will be what you are graded on. But wait! We've been doing that all year right, so this should be an easy assignment to complete!

Finally there are this week's vocabulary words below. Write them down and understand what part of speech they are as well as know the meaning of the words. We will do some of that in class however, so there's no need to turn anything in to me yet. Hope you all had a fun and relaxed weekend.



Household furniture

Project Questions

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hello Gentleman,

The end of your first learning cycle is fast approaching and soon enough you will be taking your LC1 exams. Be sure to use good study habits throughout the exam period. Choose a set time to study, find a quiet place to focus on your work, avoid distractions, like TV and computers, and go to bed early so you wake up fresh and ready to go each day. Click here for your exam schedule and best of luck!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

G10-04 & G10-09 It's that time!

All the hard work we've done so far, the homework, vocabulary, the drop quizzes, the class work assignments has led us to one of the milestones of this academic year and that is our first mid cycle quiz which we are having on Wednesday. It will cover the same material we've covered in class and with our smaller drop quizzes so there is nothing really to worry about if you've kept up in class. To help you prepare I'm making available to you exercises we've done in class up to this point in the learning cycle.

The best way to prepare for any quiz is to keep up with the class work on a daily basis. You cannot expect to do well by "cramming" for a test the night before the exam. I think most of you have done a fairly good job of doing your assignments and remaining alert in class and that will help you a lot. Another thing that will help you is a good night's sleep. Don't stay awake until the last minute trying to memorize everything you think is going to be on the quiz.

English is not like other tests; what's essential is the ability to understand oral or written communication of a wide variety of topics. The best preparation other than going through the worksheets we've had in class is reading. The online sources we read in class everyday are a good start. and have plenty of articles that can keep your interest and you should take a minute or two tonight to look at some of them. Both online papers have excellent articles on UAE culture and breakthroughs in technology and development and if there are expressions or words you don't understand, we can talk about them during our "Brain Dump" sessions at the beginning of each class.

So gentlemen, spend a few minutes going over our class material which I am reproducing here, and read a brief article in one of the papers and then get some sleep. That's the best advice I can give you to prepare for the quiz. See you in class!

Grammar Exercise

Writing Practice

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Education based on the knowledge of facts without the wisdom to interpret them is a hollow deception and forcefully argues that critical thinking is essential to both effective learning and productive living....... Dr. Richard Paul

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Welcome to the New Students in G10-04 & 09

I want to take the opportunity to welcome new G10-04 & G10-09 students and their families to my English class. This website is your window to the world of English instruction going on at IAT, so please refer to it if not daily as often as possible.

My students are required to check here every day to see if there is any homework, classwork or study guides to be downloaded to refer to in doing their normal everyday assignments. All work will be posted here no later than 4pm so by the time you arrive home you can check here to see if there is any homework.

Every week we will post here vocabulary words, either from our course books, or words that we have come across that are commonly used in the English language. Today we have vocabulary words from our workbooks that students in both sections are expected to know by next Thursday when there will be a short pop quiz on the meaning. In some cases if words have more than one meaning we will explore how to understand them based on their appearance in a sentence.


armchair sofa cupboard carpet rug bookcase curtains wardrobe

lamp chest of drawers coffee table independent cheap public

To those students who are moving on to other classes you will be missed, but remember the most important thing is to learn whatever you can from whomever you can. The most important personality is your own. All the teachers here at IAT are trained professionals who are here to help you so learn whatever you can from all of them, and do drop by from time to time here at G210 and I'll whip out a text for you to read to me while I grade papers.

Good luck.

You can learn anything.....unlock your genius!

"What counts is not the number of hours you put in but how much you put into those hours"........says ABDULAZIZ ABDULRAHMAN ALJANAHI as he moves on to his new section.

"Among the few things more expensive than an education these days is the lack of it." .......says HUMAID OBAID SAEED RASHED ALSHAMSI, as he too moves on to the other class.

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99%perspiration"..... says MESHAL MOHAMED AHMED REHAIF as he too joins them in the new class.

" Your mind is like a parachute - it only works when it's open, so work hard "....says

Students from class 10.10 wish them all the very best.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What is Brainstorming?

Brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking. It asks that students come up with ideas and thoughts that can first seem to be not so realistic. The idea here is that some of these ideas can be crafted into original, creative solutions to the problems they try to solve, and can later on spark off into bright ideas. It gives people a jolt to start thinking. During Brainstorming there should be no criticism of ideas.
Tip: When Brainstorming consider using Mind Maps to arrange and develop ideas.

LC1 English Project Assignment


It was really an interesting session of brainstorming about different jobs. I'm very sure that by now you are very confident about the meaning of the words like skills, qualifications, responsibilities and challenges. Your next target is to submit your project assignment on 13th of October. You can choose from ONE of the following as your research assignment.

  • Select one job from a hospital or
  • Dream Job
  • A Successful Emirati

In your presentation you must include images, sound and all members of he group must take role to present the assignment. Please read the assignment details carefully given to you in the class. If you find any difficulty don't hesitate to ask......... :)It will be my pleasure to answer your questions.

Good luck!

Irregular English Verbs

Here is a tool I hope you will find helpful in understanding English. It is a list of the common irregular English verbs, their past and past participle tenses. Just click on the tools pictured above to get the verbs. Put it with your other study guides to refer to in composition exercises and for your general use of the language.

Monday, October 4, 2010

People & Places

Dear Students,

You have done a great job so far. Your have brainstormed, shared your thoughts and opinions, and contributed to whole class discussions as active participants. I appreciate your effort and good manners! It is such a pleasure to work with you and I am proud to be your teacher. Keep up the good work!

We will progress through the second unit this week and practice talking about people and places, listening to tape scripts and discuss what we hear, and write a paragraph on a chosen country, whether yet visited or not. As time progresses, I expect you to write a fully developed essay using correct grammar and varied vocabulary. So, our starting point is a paragraph. I encourage you to use your imagination and knowledge of new vocabulary to write well thought-out descriptive paragraphs on your country. You're more than welcome to extend it to a short composition/essay if you like !! I know most of you are capable of writing a four paragraph piece. Anyway, your paragraphs are due tomorrow. You will be asked to share them with your peers, who will ask questions and make comments on your writing.

Please copy the following list of new words, look them up in dictionaries, indicate parts of speech, use them in your own sentences (or modify the copied sentence), find synonyms (optional/bonus), and look up Arabic equivalents (optional/bonus). This is due on Sunday next week.

• annoy
• certainly
• climate
• coast
• complain
• cosmopolitan
• descent
• culture
• exciting
• export
• similar to
• variety
• successful
• scruffy
• habit
• immigrant
• independence
• inhabitants
• miserable
• opportunity

Here is the list of the phrasal verbs you'll come across throughout the unit. Don't look these up as we'll discuss these together in class.

· get used to
· have in common
· change gears
· make a decision
· put up with

Please e-mail me if you have questions or need clarification on the assignment.

Again, keep up the good work and see you in class tomorrow!

Ms. Neriman

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quiz Schedule for G10-04 and G10-09

It's really not that bad gentlemen. We will have our weekly vocabulary quiz on Tuesday and on Wednesday there will be the unit pop quiz. The vocab quiz will be in the usual format of multiple choice and the unit quiz on Wednesday will be assorted types of questions or exercises like we've had before. Also, G10-04's reading comp quiz for the book club members is postponed until Thursday. More about that and the new Holmes story given out today at a later date. Stay tuned to the Grade 10 English blog for any and all updates.

Project work

Mohammed Essa from class 10.09, presenting his research on " The Famous Emirati", which was followed by a question answer session on...."What if..................."One of the students asked: "What if you found the Time Machine and you went back in time?" And pop came the answer, " I would have been living in the age of dinosaurs, and probably I would have been one".

Career path

Students from class 10.06 were exposed to the various technological concepts and were assisted in finding career paths that match their academic and personal skills. Students worked in groups and then presented their work to the other members of the class.

Careers Education

Students from class 10.10, working in groups , learning to be responsible world citizens who can think creatively, reason critically, communicate effectively and learn enthusiastically, throughout their life.